Because we needed an EXPLOTION!! And as the lava(effort from missionary) explodes and has contact with the water(baptism) it makes and island(strong member)! so we were working hard with that in mind and well I wanted enough islands in the zone to make a country like The Philipines but we werent that lucky but we had to stick with a state like Hawaii! haha
In our sector this week we found soooo many great poeple and families!
But one of them came through and went to church her name is Natalia and well we found her just walking down the street one day at like 4 in the afternoon and well i felt prompted to knock on a surtain door but i thought to myself but ive already talked with this family and they are all into drugs and soooo, but then the spirit said Just Do it! and then i yelled alo! and at first the dad came out and said "no no no!" but their was someone that was just visiting right at that exact time that in the background saw us and came running out, and at first i thought she was a little taken with the drugs but then i realized that she needed us and was asking for help to change her life because just the night before her niece had just died at the age of 2. so with the BoM in hand shared some scriptures. And after that she said "I know that you are sent from the heavans, and I will do what ever you say, If you ask me to go to your church i will go to your church, if you ask me to stop smoking i will stop." and well she keeps her promise and came to church and now is preparing herself to be baptized the 16th of June! :) but she didnt come olone to church she also brought her less-active sister! and at church the gospel priciples class was just right on Repentance and she cried but in a good way! and she loved The church and is going to bring her kids the next week!!
And she also wants to learn English along the way! haha she said.
That was the good story from the week!
and lots of other stoies happened like this in the zone! It was so great! :)
It soo worked! :)
The President of the Stake also asked if we could de a Zone Attack on one ward and it was sooo good cuz this ward doesnt have missionaries! and we found a whole lot of people that want to get baptized! yeah!!
I hope you all have a wonderful awesome week!
and that you can "Do Good"TM
Elder Hope